Monday, September 14, 2009

Blog software

Blog software

Flexible scheduling
Browser-based editing
You can edit the content online.You must have content on the web quickly and easily.
* Automated Publishing
If you do not want to mess with complicated files that you want to click the button, and your messages. Text formatting and spell checking is a bonus too.
* Category
Part of the utility spot, he is able to divide your posts into categories will make them easier to find.
* Automatic archiving
I am uncertain about the usefulness of these. The user will be much more likely to cycle through categories than archives, if you really like your writing. But hell, it seems a standard feature of blog software, so you power.
* Optimized for search engines titles
If you wrote a letter, you do not want your URL You want to squeeze every ounce of SEO your message. So the URL that contains the keywords, the function is useful in this context.
* Comment Systems
The absolute critical feature. This comment is a way to # 1 that your site sticky (how likely is that the visitor will return). Free for all comments is something bloggers have embraced and has led to the explosion in popularity. Many sites rate corp blogs are afriad to tread this path. So Web 1.0 …
* Trackback and Pingback
Two things happen here. Pinging is a mechanism whereby other blog search engines are automatically notified of new features to you. An example is Technocrati.
A Trackback is complex. The point is, after reading a comment about it on your blog. Paste the URL to her post in yours and her blog picks up your message and leave it as a comment in his post. Confused? It is a tool for gaining more traffic is good, and we want.
* Syndication Feeds
RSS and Atom are XML applications that can push your contributions to other RSS readers. E-mail clients such as Thunderbird come with RSS readers, and personal pages like Yahoo. Perhaps more important is that the website, read RSS, your messages appear automatically on someone else’s website, where (hopefully) will have more readers. Its kind of automatic and dynamic real time article syndication.
* Notification of e-mail
If you have a message, it would be good if you have an e-mail list to receive notification that you have? If you have a web business, you will soon start building a list of e-mails. This is a completely different subject than blogging, however, includes the CAN SPAM years.
* Search
As a prolific blog poster you will see your archive bursting disc. You need a powerful search engine that can help your site visitors to find. Steve Krug maintains that some visitors automatically to the first search, what they do, people are either searchers or browsers.

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